Trouble with vectorizing your data? Read this first!

DataVec is a library for machine-learning ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations. DataVec’s purpose is to transform raw data into usable vector formats that can be fed to machine learning algorithms.

You can find the documentation for DataVec here: Overview - Deeplearning4j

There are examples of more complex datavec use here:

the link doesn’t work, and a lot of links for the tutorials don’t seem to work.
some links like,
maybe should be,

but the css relative path doesn’t match

if I can ask a question,

if I already have data in a database or data objects, already in primitive form(int, double), can you show me an example or a link to an example of how to create the dataset needed for lstm or time series.

thanks for notifying us of the dead link here. I’ve updated the links.

The repository is not ours and that is not the place for any official documentation. So nothing we can do about that.