Simplified example

i try to create a simplified rl4j example based on the existing Gym and Malmo examples. Given is a sine wave and the AI should say if we are on top of the wave, on bottom or somewhere else(noop).

The SineRider is the “Game”, State is the value of the sine function(Just one double)

The problem is it never calls the step function in SineRider to get a reward. What do i wrong?
I also updated to beta7(still some deprecated stuff)


    package aiexample

    import org.deeplearning4j.gym.StepReply
    import org.deeplearning4j.rl4j.learning.sync.qlearning.QLearning.QLConfiguration
    import org.deeplearning4j.rl4j.learning.sync.qlearning.discrete.QLearningDiscreteDense
    import org.deeplearning4j.rl4j.mdp.MDP
    import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray
    import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j
    import org.nd4j.linalg.learning.config.RmsProp
    import kotlin.math.sin

    object Example {
        var ql = QLConfiguration.builder()
                .seed(123) //Random seed (for reproducability)
                .maxEpochStep(200) // Max step By epoch
                .maxStep(15000) // Max step
                .expRepMaxSize(150000) // Max size of experience replay
                .batchSize(128) // size of batches
                .targetDqnUpdateFreq(500) // target update (hard)
                .updateStart(10) // num step noop warmup
                .rewardFactor(0.01) // reward scaling
                .gamma(0.99) // gamma
                .errorClamp(1.0) // /td-error clipping
                .minEpsilon(0.1f) // min epsilon
                .epsilonNbStep(1000) // num step for eps greedy anneal
                .doubleDQN(true) // double DQN

        // The neural network used by the agent. Note that there is no need to specify the number of inputs/outputs.
        // These will be read from the gym environment at the start of training.
        var net = DQNFactoryStdDense.Configuration.builder()

        fun main(args: Array<String>) {

        private fun simpleSine() {
            val mdp = Env.create()
            val dql = QLearningDiscreteDense(mdp, net, ql)

            //return dql.getPolicy(); //return the trained agent.

    class Action(val name:String) {
        companion object {
            val noop = Action("noop")
            val top = Action("top")
            val bottom = Action("bottom")

    class State(private val inputs: DoubleArray): Encodable {
        override fun toArray(): DoubleArray {
            return inputs

        override fun getData(): INDArray {
            return Nd4j.create(inputs)

        override fun dup(): Encodable {
            TODO("Not yet implemented")

        override fun isSkipped(): Boolean {
            TODO("Not yet implemented")

    class SineObservationSpace: ObservationSpace<State> {
        override fun getLow(): INDArray {
            return Nd4j.create(doubleArrayOf(-1.0))

        override fun getHigh(): INDArray {
            return Nd4j.create(doubleArrayOf(1.0))

        override fun getName(): String {
            return "Discrete"

        override fun getShape(): IntArray {
            return intArrayOf(1)

    class SineRider{
        companion object {
            val actions = mapOf(
                    0 to Action.noop,
                    1 to,
                    2 to Action.bottom)

        var i = 0.0

        fun step(action:Int): Double{
            val act = actions[action]
            if(act =={
                return if(i > 0.9) 1.0 else -1.0

            if(act == Action.bottom){
                return if(i < -0.9) 1.0 else -1.0

            if(act == Action.noop){
                return if(i < 0.9 && i > -0.9) 1.0 else -1.0

            return 0.0

        fun reset(){


        fun next(){
            i += 0.1

        fun state(): State {
            val sine = sin(i)
            return State(arrayOf(sine).toDoubleArray())

    class Env(private val sineRider: SineRider) : MDP<State, Int, DiscreteSpace> {
        private val actionSpace = DiscreteSpace(3)
        private var done = false

        override fun getObservationSpace(): ObservationSpace<State> {
            return SineObservationSpace()

        override fun getActionSpace(): DiscreteSpace {
            return actionSpace

        override fun step(action: Int): StepReply<State> {
            val reward = sineRider.step(action)
            val state = sineRider.state()
            return StepReply(state, reward, true, null)

        override fun isDone(): Boolean {
            return true

        override fun reset(): State? {
            done = false
            return sineRider.state()

        override fun close() {


        override fun newInstance(): Env {
            return create()

        companion object {
            fun create() : Env {
                val sinRider = SineRider()
                return Env(sinRider)

Thank you for updating to beta7 first, that way I could just copy & paste it into an existing project and run it.

This is where you made a mistake. This method is called to determine if the “game” is over, i.e. that there are no more valid moves to make. If you always return true, it will never even start.

Another quick note:

This means that the model will start with random actions and over 1000 episodes reduce the probability of taking a random action to 10%. For your “game”, you might want to reduce those values before you start wondering why it doesn’t learn as well as it could :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much. The isDone was the problem. I was interpreting the isDone() as the “the current step is done” not as “the game is over”.