Welcome to the DL4J Community!

Eclipse Deeplearning4J: Neural Networks for Java/JVM.

There are a few things you should know that will help you use our deep-learning framework and engage our community.

  1. The best place to start using DL4J is the Quickstart page. Please try to follow those instructions before you ask us install questions.
  2. If you are new to deep learning or programming, you will want to check out Deep Learning for Beginners
  3. We’re doing our best to improve the documentation, but it’s not perfect. We welcome ideas about how to improve it! Writing good docs is our responsibility; reading them is yours. Please consult the docs before you post in the channel. A little effort from you will earn a lot of respect from us.
  1. We welcome new contributors! Once you get familiar with the libs, if you see how our code can be improved, please file an issue or consider sending us a pull request with the new feature. Issues · eclipse/deeplearning4j · GitHub

Kindly update the Deep Learning for Beginners Link. The page is not present anymore.

Thanks for noticing that. We’ve updated the link.

Hi. The Quickstart template is not available by the link (https://github.com/eclipse/deeplearning4j-examples/blob/master/standalone-sample-project/) at Quickstart page.

@at6ix here go ahead and use this for now:

The examples tour mentions this in its place: https://deeplearning4j.konduit.ai/getting-started/examples-tour

Could you link which page you were looking at? Thanks!

I mean on this page (https://deeplearning4j.konduit.ai/getting-started/quickstart) in the “Quickstart template” section there is a link (already posted before) to standalone-sample-project. But it doesn’t lead anywhere (404).

Hello, I’d like to bump this. I’ve just come over here from the DeepLearning4J book trying to figure out stuff (as a lot of the examples from the book don’t work with the current API) and most of the links present on the internet point to the DeepLearning4j.org website, yet I’ve been told today on Gitter that the website no longer is the central website of the project anymore. However, the links here still point there (and are outdated and just give 404 errors).

@pwilkin as mentioned, we don’t control that domain anymore and are doing what we can to migrate the links. I can confirm to you, see the official project link as well at eclipse: https://github.com/eclipse/deeplearning4j - (I’m the lead committer and should be considered the canonical source of info on this :slight_smile: - again please use https://deeplearning4j.konduit.ai only - there’s not much we can really do about that.

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I am trying to follow your directions but intellij does not have an import project capability. So I use the open project capability. It prompts me to specify the sdk - I set it to 11. I also set the language level to 11 (in project structure). I add a new run configuration, I specify maven as the type, I name the configuration IrisClassifier.

Please help. I have been trying to run a simple example in IntelliJ for the last day and I am totally stuck. I do use IntelliJ for other projects (Java and Kotlin) with Gradle but do not know how to so with maven, or even what needs to be setup.

Are there clear step by step directions for what to do once inside IntelliJ anywhere? I have downloaded (using the instructions) from git the deeplearning4j-examples.

Thanks . . .


Hello. I’m a new member of this group. Can someone please tell me how to use DeepLearning4j in Apache Netbeans?