I need a new release with updated dependencies, but I see that there hasn’t been a new public release since https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j-core/1.0.0-M2.1.
I only need a build with an updated version of the Guava library. I’ve opened a PR for that: Update Guava version from 30.1.1-jre to 32.1.3-jre by matthewcummings · Pull Request #10152 · deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j · GitHub
Is there a paid option where I can get a new Maven package? I might be able to do that but of course a new public release would be preferrable but it’s been over 2 years since 1.0.0-M2.1 so I’m wondering what the general trajectory is for this project.
Thank you in advance.