Exception of kerasLayer.isValidInboundLayer()

When I import KerasModel and try to print the details of each layer and vertex. Flatten layer in
keras which in dl4j VertexType is PreprocessorVertex. And I try to use method and then throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

All Code:

        ComputationGraph model = KerasModelImport.importKerasModelAndWeights(path);
        //each KerasLayer
        KerasModel kerasModel = (new KerasModel()).modelBuilder().modelHdf5Filename(path).enforceTrainingConfig(true).buildModel();
        Map<String, KerasLayer> kerasModelLayers = kerasModel.getLayers();
        for (Map.Entry<String, KerasLayer> layerEntry : kerasModelLayers.entrySet()) {
            KerasLayer kerasLayer = layerEntry.getValue();
            System.out.println("isVertex " + kerasLayer.isVertex());
            System.out.println("isInputPreProcessor " + kerasLayer.isInputPreProcessor());
            System.out.println("isInputPreProcessor " + kerasLayer.isLayer());
            System.out.println("isValidInboundLayer " + kerasLayer.isValidInboundLayer());
VertexName (VertexType)                  nIn,nOut   TotalParams   ParamsShape              Vertex Inputs        
input_wide (InputVertex)                 -,-        -             -                        -                    
input_deep (InputVertex)                 -,-        -             -                        -                    
input_emb (InputVertex)                  -,-        -             -                        -                    
emb_cate_code (EmbeddingSequenceLayer)   19,8       152           W:{19,8}                 [input_emb]          
flatten (PreprocessorVertex)             -,-        -             -                        [emb_cate_code]      
concatenate (MergeVertex)                -,-        -             -                        [input_deep, flatten]
hidden1 (DenseLayer)                     31,128     4,096         W:{31,128}, b:{1,128}    [concatenate]        
hidden2 (DenseLayer)                     128,256    33,024        W:{128,256}, b:{1,256}   [hidden1]            
hidden3 (DenseLayer)                     256,128    32,896        W:{256,128}, b:{1,128}   [hidden2]            
concatenate_1 (MergeVertex)              -,-        -             -                        [input_wide, hidden3]
dense (DenseLayer)                       172,1      173           W:{172,1}, b:{1,1}       [concatenate_1]      
dense_loss (LossLayer)                   -,-        0             -                        [dense]              


isVertex false
isInputPreProcessor true
isInputPreProcessor false
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
	at org.deeplearning4j.nn.modelimport.keras.layers.core.KerasFlatten.getInputPreprocessor(KerasFlatten.java:91)
	at org.deeplearning4j.nn.modelimport.keras.KerasLayer.isValidInboundLayer(KerasLayer.java:468)
	at Formatter.main(Formatter.java:27)

@1329154840 could you run this with snapshots to make sure this isn’t a bug that was already fixed? If not, please file an issue here: Issues · eclipse/deeplearning4j · GitHub and upload the hdf5 file.
Snapshots can be found here: https://deeplearning4j.konduit.ai/config/config-snapshots