YOLO evaluation


I am trying to train YOLO model (have same setup like TinyYOLO-ZooModel).
When first epoch is finished and evaluation started I am receiving error:

New shape length doesn’t match original length: [13520] vs [32448]. Original shape: [16, 13, 13, 12] New Shape: [2704, 5]

Original shape is batchSize, gridWidth, gridHeight, nBoxes * (5 + numClasses);
New shape is batchSize * gridWidth * gridHeight, 5;

private static final int height = 416;
private static final int width = 416;
private static final int channels = 3;
private static final int batchSize = 16;
private static final int gridWidth = 13;
private static final int gridHeight = 13;
private double[][] priorBoxes = {{0.62, 0.42}, {0.5, 0.5}};
private int numClasses = 1;

For evaluation i use this listener:
private static EvaluativeListener prepareEvaluativeListener(DataSetIterator dataSetIterator, InvocationType type, int frequency) {
RegressionEvaluation regressionEvaluation = new RegressionEvaluation();
return new EvaluativeListener(dataSetIterator, frequency, type, regressionEvaluation);

Why I receive this error?