I used ND4J to build a model to make predictions on certain data, and I wanted to implement the same functionality with SameDiff, but it didn’t seem to work as expected. I don’t know if it’s my usage that’s wrong, and if it’s wrong, how can I modify it?The preprocessing and plotting parts of the data are simplified here
Below is the model built by ND4J
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.rng.Random;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.INDArrayIndex;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.NDArrayIndex;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class HourDataForecastWithND4J {
static int batch_size;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// ====================================prep====================================
INDArray data = Nd4j.rand(17379, 59);
int total_row = (int) data.shape()[0];
int val_size = total_row - 21 * 24;
int train_size = val_size - 60 * 24;
int casualIndex = (int) data.shape()[1] - 3;
int cntIndex = (int) data.shape()[1] - 1;
// Normalization
INDArray tmp = data.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(cntIndex, cntIndex + 1));
double mean = tmp.meanNumber().doubleValue();
double sigma = tmp.stdNumber().doubleValue();
INDArrayIndex trainIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(0, train_size);
INDArrayIndex valIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(train_size, val_size);
INDArrayIndex testIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(val_size, total_row);
INDArrayIndex featuresIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(0, casualIndex);
INDArrayIndex targetsIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(casualIndex, cntIndex + 1);
INDArray train_features = data.get(trainIndex, featuresIndex);
INDArray train_targets = data.get(trainIndex, targetsIndex);
INDArray val_features = data.get(valIndex, featuresIndex);
INDArray val_targets = data.get(valIndex, targetsIndex);
INDArray test_features = data.get(testIndex, featuresIndex);
INDArray test_targets = data.get(testIndex, targetsIndex);
// ====================================param====================================
// The setting of hyperparameters
batch_size = 4;
int seed = 1234;
int iterations = 6000;
double learning_rate = 0.5;
int hidden_nodes = 12;
int input_nodes = (int) train_features.shape()[1];
int output_nodes = 1;
// Initialize the weights
Random rng = Nd4j.getRandom();
INDArray weights_input_to_hidden = Nd4j.rand(0, Math.pow(input_nodes, -0.5), rng, input_nodes, hidden_nodes);
INDArray weights_hidden_to_output = Nd4j.rand(0, Math.pow(hidden_nodes, -0.5), rng, hidden_nodes, output_nodes);
// ====================================train====================================
List<Double> xSeries = new ArrayList<>();
List<Double> ySeries = new ArrayList<>();
// Each time, 128 records are randomly extracted from the training dataset for training
java.util.Random rand = new java.util.Random();
int[] batchIndexes = new int[batch_size];
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < batch_size; j++) {
batchIndexes[j] = rand.nextInt(train_features.rows());
// Get training records and goals
INDArray X = train_features.getRows(batchIndexes);
INDArray y = train_targets.getRows(batchIndexes).getColumn(2);
train(X, y, learning_rate, weights_input_to_hidden, weights_hidden_to_output);
// Print out the training process
double train_loss = MSE(run(train_features, weights_input_to_hidden, weights_hidden_to_output).transpose(), train_targets.getColumn(2));
double val_loss = MSE(run(val_features, weights_input_to_hidden, weights_hidden_to_output).transpose(), val_targets.getColumn(2));
System.out.print("\rProgress: " + String.format("%.1f", 100 * i / (float) iterations)
+ "% ... Training loss: " + String.format("%.5f", train_loss)
+ " ... Validation loss: " + String.format("%.5f", val_loss));
plot(xSeries, ySeries);
// ====================================test====================================
// Originally, normalization was done by subtracting the mean and dividing by the variance, and now it is necessary to multiply the variance plus the mean
INDArray predictions = run(test_features, weights_input_to_hidden, weights_hidden_to_output).transpose().mul(sigma).add(mean);
INDArray actuals = test_targets.getColumn(2).mul(sigma).add(mean);
plot(predictions, actuals);
public static void train(INDArray features, INDArray targets, double lr, INDArray weights_input_to_hidden, INDArray weights_hidden_to_output) {
// From here, do the forward operation 128X56 to multiply the matrix by a 56X8
INDArray hidden_inputs = Nd4j.matmul(features, weights_input_to_hidden);// Hide layer input
INDArray hidden_outputs = activation_function(hidden_inputs);// Hide layer output
// From here is the hidden layer to the output layer operation
INDArray final_inputs = Nd4j.matmul(hidden_outputs, weights_hidden_to_output);// The final output layer input
INDArray final_outputs = final_inputs;// Output of the final output layer (128, 1)
// Start deploying backpropagation
INDArray error = Nd4j.math.sub(final_outputs, targets.reshape(batch_size, -1));// Output layer error = actual value minus predicted value
// Partial derivation of J to Z
INDArray delta_output = error;
// The output layer activation function f'(a)=1 has passed
// Calculate the respective contribution of hidden layers to the error
INDArray delta_hidden_outputs = Nd4j.matmul(delta_output, weights_hidden_to_output.transpose());
// Backpropagation of error terms hidden_outputs=f(a)
INDArray delta_hidden_inputs = hidden_outputs.mul(hidden_outputs.rsub(1.0).mul(delta_hidden_outputs));
// Weight gradient update (input layer to hidden layer)
INDArray delta_weights_i_h = features.transpose().mmul(delta_hidden_inputs);
// Weight gradient update (hidden layer to output layer)
INDArray delta_weights_h_o = hidden_outputs.transpose().mmul(delta_output);
// Update the weights
int n_records = (int) features.shape()[0];
weights_hidden_to_output.subi(delta_weights_h_o.mul(lr).divi(n_records));// Update using gradient descent hidden-to-output weights
weights_input_to_hidden.subi(delta_weights_i_h.mul(lr).divi(n_records));// Update using gradient descent input-to-hidden weights
public static INDArray run(INDArray features, INDArray weights_input_to_hidden, INDArray weights_hidden_to_output) {
// Hides the inputs and outputs of layers
INDArray hidden_inputs = Nd4j.matmul(features, weights_input_to_hidden);// Hide layer input
INDArray hidden_outputs = activation_function(hidden_inputs);// Hide layer output
// The input and output of the final output layer
INDArray final_inputs = Nd4j.matmul(hidden_outputs, weights_hidden_to_output);// The input to the final output layer
INDArray final_outputs = final_inputs;// the output of the final output layer
return final_outputs;
public static INDArray activation_function(INDArray hidden_inputs) {
return Nd4j.nn.sigmoid(hidden_inputs);
public static double MSE(INDArray y, INDArray Y) {
INDArray diff = y.sub(Y);
return diff.meanNumber().doubleValue();
public static void plot(INDArray s1, INDArray s2) {
public static void plot(List<Double> s1, List<Double> s2) {
Below is a model built using sameDiff
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SDVariable;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.SameDiff;
import org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.TrainingConfig;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.dataset.DataSet;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.INDArrayIndex;
import org.nd4j.linalg.indexing.NDArrayIndex;
import org.nd4j.linalg.learning.config.Sgd;
import org.nd4j.weightinit.impl.LecunUniformInitScheme;
import java.util.*;
public class HourDataForecastWithSameDiff {
static int batch_size = 4;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// ====================================prep====================================
INDArray data = Nd4j.rand(17379, 59);
int total_row = (int) data.shape()[0];
int val_size = total_row - 21 * 24;
int train_size = val_size - 60 * 24;
int casualIndex = (int) data.shape()[1] - 3;
int cntIndex = (int) data.shape()[1] - 1;
// Normalization
INDArray tmp = data.get(NDArrayIndex.all(), NDArrayIndex.interval(cntIndex, cntIndex + 1));
double mean = tmp.meanNumber().doubleValue();
double sigma = tmp.stdNumber().doubleValue();
INDArrayIndex trainIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(0, train_size);
INDArrayIndex valIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(train_size, val_size);
INDArrayIndex testIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(val_size, total_row);
INDArrayIndex featuresIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(0, casualIndex);
INDArrayIndex targetsIndex = NDArrayIndex.interval(casualIndex, cntIndex + 1);
INDArray train_features = data.get(trainIndex, featuresIndex);
INDArray train_targets = data.get(trainIndex, targetsIndex);
INDArray val_features = data.get(valIndex, featuresIndex);
INDArray val_targets = data.get(valIndex, targetsIndex);
INDArray test_features = data.get(testIndex, featuresIndex);
INDArray test_targets = data.get(testIndex, targetsIndex);
// ====================================param====================================
batch_size = 4;
int seed = 1234;
int iterations = 6000;
double learning_rate = 0.5;
int hidden_nodes = 12;
int input_nodes = (int) train_features.shape()[1];
int output_nodes = 1;
// Create a neural network graph
SameDiff sd = SameDiff.create();
// The first step is to define the features and labels
SDVariable train_x = sd.placeHolder("input", DataType.FLOAT, -1, input_nodes);
SDVariable train_y = sd.placeHolder("label", DataType.FLOAT, -1, output_nodes);
// Initialize the weights
SDVariable weights_input_to_hidden = sd.var("weights_input_to_hidden", new LecunUniformInitScheme('c', input_nodes), DataType.FLOAT, input_nodes, hidden_nodes);
SDVariable weights_hidden_to_output = sd.var("weights_hidden_to_output", new LecunUniformInitScheme('c', hidden_nodes), DataType.FLOAT, hidden_nodes, output_nodes);
// The second step is to build the diagram
SDVariable hidden_inputs = sd.mmul("hidden_inputs", train_x, weights_input_to_hidden);
SDVariable hidden_outputs = sd.nn.sigmoid("hidden_outputs", hidden_inputs);
SDVariable final_outputs = sd.mmul("final_outputs", hidden_outputs, weights_hidden_to_output);
// The third step is to calculate the loss and define the training operation
SDVariable loss = sd.math.squaredDifference(final_outputs, train_y).mean("loss");
TrainingConfig config = TrainingConfig.builder()
.updater(new Sgd(learning_rate))
// ====================================train====================================
List<Double> xSeries = new ArrayList<>();
List<Double> ySeries = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, INDArray> placeholderData = new HashMap<>();
Random rand = new Random();
// Each time, 128 records are randomly extracted from the training dataset for training
int[] batchIndexes = new int[batch_size];
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
// Get training records and goals
for (int j = 0; j < batch_size; j++) {
batchIndexes[j] = rand.nextInt(train_features.rows());
INDArray x = train_features.getRows(batchIndexes);
INDArray y = train_targets.getRows(batchIndexes).getColumn(2);
placeholderData.put("input", x);
placeholderData.put("label", y);
INDArray train_loss = sd.outputSingle(placeholderData, "loss");
placeholderData.put("input", val_features);
placeholderData.put("label", val_targets);
INDArray val_loss = sd.outputSingle(placeholderData, "loss");
System.out.print("\rtrain_loss: " + train_loss + "...val_loss: " + val_loss);
plot(xSeries, ySeries);
// ====================================test====================================
placeholderData.put("input", test_features);
placeholderData.put("label", test_targets);
// Originally, normalization was done by subtracting the mean and dividing by the variance, and now it is necessary to multiply the variance plus the mean
INDArray predictions = sd.outputSingle(placeholderData, "final_outputs");
INDArray predictN = predictions.mul(sigma).addi(mean);
INDArray actualsN = test_targets.getColumn(2).mul(sigma).add(mean);
plot(predictN, actualsN);
public static void plot(INDArray s1, INDArray s2) {
public static void plot(List<Double> s1, List<Double> s2) {