Loading 3D data instead of 2D data into a model?

I am currently loading data similarly to the IrisClassifier, where I have data such as:

0.1, 0.53, 0.3213 //Line 1
0.86, 0.32, 0.47 //Line 2

And then load with a CSVRecordReader, make a new MultiLayerNetwork, etc.

But I would like to load 3D data such as this:

0.32, 0.64, 0.45 //Start of line 1
0.46, 0.74, 0.73
0.52, 0.65, 0.72 //End of line 1

0.12, 0.82, 0.26 //Start of line 2
0.41, 0.443, 0.34
0.55, 0.45, 0.12 //End of line 2

I apologise if there is some sort of obvious example code I have somehow missed, but if so please could you point me in the correct direction.

@Joehot200 you’ll want to use our SequenceRecordReader for that. See: