I want to load data from csv and below is my code
public DataSet loadData(int batchSize, int numClasses) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// Load CSV file as a resource from classpath
ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource("xyz.csv");
// Define the schema for the dataset (including input features and target labels)
Schema schema = new Schema.Builder()
.addColumnString("Book") // String column for categorical encoding
.addColumnDouble("Amount") // Numerical column
.addColumnDouble("Rating") // Numerical column
// Define transformation process (converting string column to categorical and one-hot encoding)
TransformProcess transformProcess = new TransformProcess.Builder(schema)
.transform(new StringToCategoricalTransform("Book")) // Convert string to categorical (integer)
.transform(new CategoricalToOneHotTransform("Book")) // One-hot encoding on the categorical column
// Initialize the CSVRecordReader to read data from the CSV file
try (CSVRecordReader csvReader = new CSVRecordReader(1, ',')) {
FileSplit fileSplit = new FileSplit(resource.getFile());
// Read the data in batches
List<List<Writable>> originalData = csvReader.next(batchSize);
// Apply transformations to the data
List<List<Writable>> transformedData = LocalTransformExecutor.execute(originalData, transformProcess);
// Create a CollectionRecordReader to wrap the transformed data
CollectionRecordReader recordReader = new CollectionRecordReader(transformedData);
// Define the RecordReaderDataSetIterator to load the dataset into batches
int inputSize = 2;
int outputSize = 1;
RecordReaderDataSetIterator iterator = new RecordReaderDataSetIterator(recordReader, batchSize, inputSize, inputSize + outputSize);
// Get the DataSet
DataSet dataSet = iterator.next();
// Normalize dataset (if needed)
DataNormalization normalizer = new NormalizerStandardize();
return dataSet;
on transformation i am getting below error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: State names must not be null or empty
basically i have 2 inputs book and amount and one output rating