Get label/class names from ComputationGraph

Hi Team,

While i was training a model i could see the below output

34  0  0  0  0 | 0 = ajmakoni
0 34  0  0  0 | 1 = bbface
0  0 34  0  0 | 2 = fatface
0  0  0 34  0 | 3 = me
0  0  0  0 34 | 4 = yellowhair

Is this information, names, stored on ComputationGraph?
Is there a way i can get those names back when i try to predict some result?

Some guides could be very helpful.
Thanks a lot.

I think i found the response: DL4J - When using a ComputationGraph, is it possible to get the Class labels from it?

As is said in that response, the labels aren’t stored in the Computation Graph itself.

However, they are usually available from the DataSetIterator (getLabels()) that you are using - and that output is taking it from there too.

Thanks for your response @treo.

Yes, im using the getLabels() to get the information as you mention it.