FastText - Getting vectors for misspelled / unknown words?

I’m using the class included in DL4J to access FastText functionality:

One of the main features of FastText is that it can provide vectors even for misspellings / unknown words. E.g according to the FAQs of FastText:

However, if I try to access a vector for an unknown word using fast.getWordVectorMatrix(word) in, it just returns a default vector. However, I’d like it to retrieve a vector from the underlying fasttext implementation instead.

Is this possibile?

What type of FastText vectors are you loading?

Keep in mind there are two types of vectors for FastText - text/.vec and binary/.bin.
The text vectors are word-level only - no subword information.
Only the binary vectors have subword information and hence can return (non-default/unknown) vectors for unknown words.

That’s not in any way a limitation of DL4J, that’s a limitation of the FastText text/.vec format.

@AlexBlack, Thanks for that clarification. getWordVectorMatrix() indeed works for unknown words if I just use the binary model!

Is it possible to call the other methods (e.g wordsNearest(), similarity), etc for unknown words on the FastText class? I seem to get an NPE since modelUtils is null if I call wordsNearest. There’s a setModelUtils() method - do I need to provide a modelUtils implementation myself?

@aliakhtar Not sure sorry, but that’s a good question, I’ve opened an issue here - keep an eye on that

Hi, I trained a FastText model using gensim in Python.
In order to use it with DL4J I need to make use of the "save_facebook_model " method instead of the other possible option which is the “save” method.
Now, I noticed that using the “save_facebook_model” method produces a file which is over 380MB in size while the other “save” method only produces a file that is less than 1MB.

I wonder why there is such a big difference. Is it possible to somehow use the model that is saved with the “save” method?

In the documentation of Gensim it says that with the “save” method, the model can be loaded again using load(). and it supports incremental training and getting vectors for out-of-vocabulary words.

So, it does not seem to leave out any information.
Is there a way to load the gensim FastText model that is saved with save() ?

@Darius please don’t revive year old threads. You would have gotten an answer quicker, if you just created a new thread.

As for your actual question: As far as I’m aware, there is no support for the custom binary format of Gensim.