NullPointerException org.nd4j.autodiff.samediff.internal.Variable.getOutputOfOp()

@agibsonccc Thanks. Please let me know if you have problems with the repository or my instructions are not clear or incorrect.


@adonnini I have your repo up and running. The variable name is empty. That would definitely be a reason for a null variable. The variable is the input to your loss function.
When I look at the loss function by scroling up I see 3 inputs.
“” < - your problem
createAndConfigureModel - 38854720/Training - 9139334/Training - 43677067/createAndConfigureModel - 7705483/sd_var

Try to debug how you’re defining your loss variables and ensure none of your variables are empty.

@agibsonccc Thanks.
Please keep in mind that after every execution of the code you will need to manually delete the UCI directory from the resources directory (I know it’s a nuisance. Sorry).