Issues about modifying the source code

@agibsonccc Hi, I tried to run the android example on a mobile phone, but when I run it on a physical device, it reports an error which says “More than one file was found with OS independent path ‘META-INF/native-image/linux-ppc64le/jnijavacpp/reflect-config.json’”
The android example is the project found here deeplearning4j-examples/android-examples at master · eclipse/deeplearning4j-examples · GitHub

I also found the one who had the same error as me in the forum (link: Troubles with launching DL4J on Android - #6 by UnDan)
But as I add " exclude ‘META-INF/native-image/**’", a new error reports “2 files found with path ‘’.” reports.
I tested on Windows 11 and macOS, all of them had this error.

Thank you!